Welcome Slut,
This page has mostly got WAV and mp3 soundfiles so ya better fucking well get get an mp3 player like winamp or else your gonna die bitch, actually i'm trying to say you won't be able to play the files and you'll be missing out fuckin big time!
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Heres a few Metallica sound files of the band fucking around in the studio and at concerts
they're pretty fuckin funny so, enjoy. I'll add one proper studio Metallica song ever so often
right now it's a song called "One" it fucking rocks so check it out!!
Also an awesome version of Nothing Else matters which is a MUST to check out.
NOTE - Some are in ZIP format cause Xoom etc. suck and don't allow mp3 files
just unzip them with winzip, www.winzip.com
"One" 6.68 MB (may take a while but it's worth it!!) - MP3
Nothing Else Matters (Elevator matters) 3MB - MP3
Here are some files of the very much less serious sides of the band.
Lars Ulrich (drummer) singing Wonderwall by Oasis, funny shit! 700K - Mp3
Lars (drummer) trying to play nothing else matters on guitar, i dunno who drums here,

but this is pretty funny cause he is a shocker, 1.4MB - MP3
Metallica playing Labamba live, funny stuff 319K - WAV
Some Metallica segment thingy on the radio 770K - WAV
Metallica playing the Star Wars theme live - Imperial March, this rocks! 440K - MP3

This is really cool! Played live, dunno where the tune is from, sounds very familiar - 600K - Mp3
These 2 small files are from a very well known song called Stairway To Heaven

by Led Zeppelin, at one part in the song he says the line "Theres still time to change"
And when that one line got played in reverse they found that it kinda sounds like Robert Plant
sings "Here's to my sweet Satan".  check it out, it's kewl.
FORWARD, 5K - Real Audio   -    REVERSE, 5K - Real Audio
go to www.real.com to get a real player
Thats it for now bitches, e-mail me [email protected]
and check out my other page, it's better than this one by fuckin